

  • 210 N Bumby

    210 N Bumby – Adaptive Reuse Commercial, Milk District

  • 2500 Curry Ford

    2500 Curry Ford – Hourglass Flats, Mixed Use Development

  • 2401 Curry Ford

    2401 Curry Ford – Hourglass Social House, Adaptive Reuse

  • 1401 Clark – HG Townhomes

    1401 Clark – HG Townhomes

  • 210 N. Bumby Avenue

    210 N. Bumby Avenue 210 N. Bumby Avenue Orlando, FL 32801

  • 2635 Curry Ford Road

    2635 Curry Ford Road Orlando, FL 32806

  • 1700 S. Bumby Avenue

    1700 S. Bumby Avenue Orlando, FL 32806

  • 2401 Curry Ford Road

    2401 Curry Ford Road Orlando, FL 32806

  • 2304 E. Robinson Street

    2304 E. Robinson Street Orlando, FL 32801

  • 2500 Curry Ford Road

    2500 Curry Ford Road Orlando, FL 32806

  • 120 E. Main Street

    120 E. Main Street Lakeland, FL 33801

Open, honest conversations fuel our planning phases and allow our teams to bring a uniquely personalized perspective to each community. Partnerships with neighborhood leaders, influencers, residents, and business owners shed light on the lifestyle needs and desires of locals, guiding our ideas and informing our processes.

Otto_s Exterior

HG Townhomes

HG SFR Elevation



Boulevard Oaks Rendering

210 N Bumby

2500 Curry Ford

2401 Curry Ford

1401 Clark – HG Townhomes

1401 Clark

210 N. Bumby Avenue

120 E. Main Street

6338 Lenape Lane

4084 Bruing Street

3586 Giblin Drive

8163 Eggelstom Avenue

4114 Azora Street

6235 Dundee Avenue

8445 SW 139th Loop

6216 SW 134th Loop

13189 SW 65th Circle

16284 SW 29th Court Road

13115 SW 73rd Avenue

3161 Tiburon Lane

1326 Swiss Lane

1155 Swanson Drive

3248 Dudley Drive

1612 Jessamine Avenue

2407 Lafayette Avenue

Lake Gleason Subdivision

2635 Curry Ford Road

400 N. Primrose Drive

1700 S. Bumby Avenue

2401 Curry Ford Road

2304 E Robinson Ottos

2304 E. Robinson Street

2500 Curry Ford Road

120 E. Main Street

We offer commercial space for local businesses. Contact us today with your commercial partnership and investment opportunities.